HomeMedia ResourcesBlog ArticleFor PatientsSkin Bleaching: Abuse and Uses of Coticosteroids Creams

Skin Bleaching: Abuse and Uses of Coticosteroids Creams

What are steroid creams?

These are creams that contain hormonal substances used in treatment of some skin conditions. One of their side effects is bleaching. Many people are misled into using these creams to lighten their skin, which can lead to more harm than good. These creams can cause pimples, unwanted hair growth in women, weight gain, diabetes, stretch marks, and dark patches on the affected area.

Marketers often mislead the public by giving steroid creams deceptive names and selling them in supermarkets instead of pharmacies. Examples include names like “So White,” “Pure White,” and “Fair White.” These creams often contain strong steroids like Betamethasone or Clobetasol, which should not be used on the face without a prescription because they are highly absorbed into the thin facial skin.

Many steroid creams are sold and used incorrectly as over-the-counter medicine or cosmetics for pimples and dark spots. A popular example is “triple-action creams.” These creams are effective for many skin diseases, but they are not safe for the face and should not be used without consulting a doctor. They are not meant to treat pimples, and using them can actually make pimples worse. These creams often contain a combination of highly potent steroids, antibiotics, antifungals, and other ingredients. They are often packaged with pictures of women with flawless skin, further deceiving users into thinking they will achieve the same result. Ironically, these creams are sold openly in supermarkets instead of pharmacies, endangering people’s health.

This situation calls for action from relevant authorities to regulate and control the sale, use, and abuse of these creams. They are medications, not cosmetics, and should not be sold on supermarket shelves. Public awareness campaigns are needed to educate people, especially young people, about the dangers of using these misleading creams.

Take-home message: See a specialist if you have any skin problem. Not all creams, even prescribed ones, should be used continuously, especially on the face, armpits, and other sensitive areas. Always read the instructions on any cream you buy to understand how to use it safely.

Accept your skin color as it is. Don’t try to change what nature gave you, or nature may have negative consequences for you.